Frequently asked questions
To ensure a smooth supply chain and timely shipping service, we have established partnerships with various vendors across the country. This enables us to streamline the shipping and delivery process. However, please note that for certain specialized or expiration date-sensitive items, we only order based on demand. In such cases, the estimated time of arrival (ETA) will be indicated on the product detail page next to the "Add to Cart" button. If you come across a product that you would like to have delivered regularly, please feel free to contact our customer service. We will add the product to our in-stock list and ensure prompt delivery of your orders.
We offer a 120-day return policy for most of our products, provided that they have a minimum of 90 days remaining before expiration. If a product has less than 90 days of shelf life remaining, we can only accept returns within 30 days from the date of receipt.
At Medacart, we have developed a pricing structure specifically for our B2B customers, including pharmacies, surgery centers, dental practices, government agencies, and LTC facilities. To access our B2B pricing, please click on the link below to fill out the account application page. You can expect to receive a response within 24 hours. If you are an individual caregiver seeking bulk pricing, kindly complete the form, and we will be pleased to assist you with discounted pricing as well.
We do not have any affiliation with insurance companies and do not bill them directly. By maintaining independence from insurance companies, we are able to offer consistently low prices to our customers. However, if you require a receipt of purchase for insurance reimbursement purposes, our customer service team will be happy to assist you in obtaining one.